Monday, March 31, 2008

Elder Scott Snell:

Yeah that is just a little treat for you from me. It means hello. Talk about crazy huh. Well, it sounds like everything is going good back at the homestead.
Things are going pretty good. I don't understand much but I am doing better in that aspect everyday so that's good. The language is definitly the hardest thing I have to deal with right now. It gets a little frustrating at times but anything in life that is worth it - you have to work at - right? I am trying to keep my greeny positive attitude.
I forgot to tell you last week that in our huge branch that includes us two missionaries and an English speaker here from Texas. Our pianist is ten years old. Ha ha, I know that is how you really know you are in Asia is when that happens. She is really, really good too. We teach her English and she is super smart.
This week has constisted of a lot of putting up English fliers and trying to find new investigators. We are rebuilding our pool of investigators because most of them are just English slap happy so we just tell them we can't keep teaching them unless they keep their commitments. So, we are rebuilding and its been pretty good. Looks like we might get some good ones.
Today for p-day we are going to this Budhist Temple that is suppose to be really famous. It is up in the hills and the cherry blossoms are suppose to be really pretty. I will send pictures home.
So I am finally adjusting to this food. Mom, I still really miss your cooking but I might not starve to death. They eat anything you can possibly eat here. The other day we saw grandmas down in this creek pulling out weeds and such to make food out of. It is really interesting, some of the stuff they eat, like dried squid, worms, pig intestine, and much, much more. I have tried a lot of it. Mom, I miss your cooking!
We have a recent convert that reminds me a lot of aunt Susan. She is the Korean version of her I am thinking. She made me this huge meal and I think it was the first time that I have been full since I arrived in Korea. Things are going good. I love you all and pray for you everyday.
Love Elder Snell

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