Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Elder Cade Casper:

So my new email address (because they are changin systems) is . This week went very well. The whole Kasbee family came to church! We had to go and wake them up at 8:30 because we didn't think that they remembered about daylight savings time, and they all came. Sis. Kasbee really doesn't like church because she knows she's not doing what she needs to be, but we were very glad to see them all there. Ryan and Blake are scheduled to be baptized on April 3rd, yep, best birthday ever: A session of conference, then a baptism, then the next session, then the priesthood. Yep, that would be sweet. They wouldn't be confirmed until the 10th though, and either Elder Lee or I won't be here. It will be interesting to see if I stay or go. We didn't make too much contact with our other investigators so that was a bummer. Al and Molly are doing ok, their daughter got sick and I don't think they have been reading or anything. They keep saying they really want to come to church so we can't give up on them. We had some good lessons with some less active members. Chris Meyers is a 33 year old R.M. that goes to Med school. He is lazy and knows he needs to come back, but says he doesn't feel anything even when he was living the gospel and coming to church. But, he said he is willing to meet with the bishop. Other less active members said they were coming to church and never showed. We have some lessons with less actives that active members are coming with us to, that should be really good. I don't know if I ever told you about the Bittner family. They were just reactivated and are so solid. Bro Bittner was a hard core biker that has a ton of tattoos all up to his neck. It's really cool to see him with a shirt and tie on. He is really excited about going to see less actives and telling them his story, so we are making plans for that. Anyway, I better jet. Thank you for all you do. I love you both and am thankful you are being blessed for you service in the temple. Keep working at it I know it will come.


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