Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elder Cade Casper:

Sept 10, 2009
But did you like that? Got mugged? I thought that was funny. But at the time, I probably would have felt better writing that to you then what I did, about leaving State College.

Here is a review of what the past week was like: Saturday, Penn State had their first football game against Akron, and people over and over again kept telling us "Stay away from downtown, stay off main street" all of this stuff. So we did. We walked to an appointment we had and there were SO many cars going in towards the Stadium. On football days, State College goes from a town of around 50,000 people to the third biggest city in PA! I'm glad I could idealist say I served there, even if it was for only 6 weeks. Monday came around, and we weren't expecting to go anywhere this transfer, we actually set an investigator with a date THAT DAY, then finally we got a call- you are BOTH leaving. What? It was such a shocker. We were actually tracting by one of our ward missionaries apartment and he came out and saw us and said it looked like we just had a family member die or something. We were pretty pissed at first. So we came to find out that our entire district was being "washed out". They are putting sisters in both areas in State College. President Summerhays seems really big on putting sisters in university areas. So we were once again, pissed about that. I don't know, it was weird, the more and more we packed and got ready to leave, I felt good about it. So Tuesday, we drove to Harrisburg and then found out that Elder Tranter and I were being sent to Dover, where sisters were. So we took off for our new area. We came and honestly had no clue what to do. It is a small town, our area is pretty big. It is like a good mix of mainly middle class, with a few lower and upper class people. We tracted and the people were instantly a lot meaner from the people in State College, I don't mind it though, I think its funny. We looked at the area book to try to get to know our area, walked around, drove around, and tried by the Bishop's house and stuff. We tracted, stopped by a less active family, then met with the Bishop. It was a good visit we had with him, he told us about the ward and said he loved the sisters. Like the first three people we have met from the ward were like: "They took our sisters?!" so we will see how long it takes for that to get old but yesterday was awesome. We had District Meeting (Elder Tranter is the District Leader by the way) tracted, taught some lady named Marsha, then had dinner with the ward mission leader- Bro Shoemaker. He is a way cool guy, dang funny. He has a son serving in Brazil. But he was cool and told us about everything the sisters had going. He knows about everybody in the ward. This ward is way tight, almost too much. He knows what we need to do to have the ward trust us so they do missionary work. He took us to his dad's house, Don is his name. And I guess Don is a pioneer for this part of the country for the church. He was a Stake President multiple times, Bishop, and spread the gospel throughout all of Pennsylvania. The first ward in the church east of the Mississippi was actually settled in Waynesboro, just south of us. It was such a cool night, we felt very loved and there were several times that I got so excited to be here because of the way they explained the ward and the people here in Dover. We have a lot of work to do, but last night helped a lot. Bro (Don) Shoemaker played us a song that apparently all of the general authorities, past and present, quote. It was called "Accentuate the Positive" from like 1948. It was way funny. Last night was so reassuring for the week ahead.

Didn't think I would be in my second area on my second transfer. Elder Tranter and I talked on the way to Harrisburg and said that the Lord and President must have a lot of trust in us right now with me on my second transfer, us white washing the area, and Elder Tranter being District Leader. Even though I had very mixed feelings about leaving State College, I have felt so much reassurance that this is where I need to be. I have felt so much comfort and love from the Spirit, and so much from the ward as well. I am very excited to serve here, very thankful for the blessings the Lord has put upon me in my short time serving. I feel like I haven't even done that much to deserve everything I have been given. I have to keep working hard and do all that I can to show my love for the Lord while I'm serving. I am very thankful again. So my new address is:

20A Stony Lane
Dover, PA 17315

I look forward to hearing from you again. I love you and am very thankful for you both. I love you. Elder Casper

Oct 22, 2009
So I stayed in Dover. I was pretty dang nervous after we got the transfer call and Elder Tranter said he was leaving, it was Saturday night when we got it. I am still here, and I'm actually pretty glad I am. The ward is awesome, I know what I'm doing more than I think I do (which still isn't much), and I have a good companion. His name is Elder DeYoung from Salt Lake (Sugarhouse area) and he is a good Elder. I think we will get along better than my trainer and I did but it's still early to say. I had a lot of Elders come up and say I will have a lot of fun with Elder DeYoung, which I was glad to hear considering Elder Tranter wasn't a very fun guy. So, that's what the story is, so send off all the pics and stuff you have. He seems like a good elder but he has been out 18 months and is slacking on his obedience, but it's nothing that will be bad, we can fix that. He is 25 so I am learning a lot from him.

This past week was pretty crazy. We went to Shippensburg (40 minute drive) after Stake Conference on Sunday night and stayed with the elders there. Then on Monday morning we drove to Altoona for the Mission Tour and mini transfer meeting. The Tour was awesome, Elder C. Scott Grow was there and he was great. We had some good instruction about working with the ward and reactivations and stuff. I love stuff like that because it fires you up. So after that we got our stuff and came back to Dover. We have tracted a lot because I don't know exactly what to do but we had some good lessons and should be having some investigators and less active members coming to church this Sunday. The fruits of Elder Tranter and I labors are coming forth. So things are going very well here, I'm excited because I can be out of the shadow of my trainer and I am pretty glad to have a new companion.

I am very blessed to be here still. I love you and will hear from you next week. Elder Casper

Nov 23, 2009
Holy cow it's almost Thanksgiving! I can't believe it, but I'm excited. The weeks and transfers are going by so fast, and I can't believe this one is almost to a close. This transfer ends on Dec. 1st and President told me in our interviews if I'm not going this one it would be the next one. I wouldn't mind staying here one more with Elder DeYoung. He is very different from my trainer, but we have a good time, and I like him more and more each day. We still quarrel, but we have a relatively good time.

What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving? A cool family named the Bruggeman's have us over at 6, the Bishop has us over at 2, and we are stopping by the big Shoemaker clan's house in between those appointments. This ward is awesome. I have grown to love the Shoemaker's, they are an awesome family. Paps (Zach's grandpa) plays a song for the missionaries called "Accentuate the Positive" from like the 1940's, that's a line you hear a lot of general authorities quote, it's so funny haha.

But I love you guys, the work is going well. The Lord is continuing to prepare people, it's just a struggle to be His prepared servant by obedience and what not. Catherine is doing well, she didn't come to church yesterday but she is still reading. She is scheduled for the 26 of Dec. for baptism. Susan Blackcloud put off her baptismal date till March, that was a bummer. She loves us though and we love them, she will eventually be baptized as her husband starts to come back to church. I love you both and am thankful for you. Have a good Thanksgiving and don't bring my name up too much haha.

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