Monday, March 17, 2008

Elder Scott Snell:

2/29/08: Well another week is over with and I only have three more until I am in a completely new world. I just got some emails from the elders that just took off and they say it is really intense and they really can't even talk to or understand anyone. So it sounds like I am in for a treat when I get over there.
Well, update on my companion and I . Things are going well. We get along pretty good, no fights or nothing. Speaking of fights, we had a companionship that has been having some troubles since day one. Well the other day I guess one of them had all they could take cause he decked his companion in the mouth. Yeah talk about crazy. He knocked his font teeth out and he had to go to the dentist and such. They are doing a lot better now - they are still companions and one is not quite so controlling anymore.
This week was pretty good, we taught the second lesson which is the plan of salvation. That was a lot of new vocab to learn, it was really tough. Trying to explain the three kingdoms to people in Korean was super hard. And then when they ask you questions it gets even worse. But I don't know how maybe its cause I said my prayers but I did it and I get to do it again this week and hopefully it will be a bit easier.

After email I am going to make pictures and send them home along with my glasses because they broke and I can't fix them. I think the frame is bent yeah but when you send them back could you send a repair kit with them please and thank you.

Until next week I love you all and miss you almost as much.
Elder Snell

Hey Family,
Well its official I am going to Korea. We got our flight plans last Friday and I will be in Korea this time next week. We fly out of Salt Lake and into LA then to Korea then to Pusan. Yeah I added it all up and I will be spending 24 hours either on an airplane or in the airport. Ha ha. Can we say jet lag.
My Companion will not be making the trip with me. He still has a couple of weeks here in the MTC. We are not certain when he will be heading out but we go to the doctor tomorrow. And it is about time I have had just about all I could stand of that gross disgusting smelling cast. It really is one of the most disgusting things .. yeah gag. Anyway it will be off tomorrow and plus I get to go into Babylon. He still is in a boot and can't put his weight on it yet but at least he can wash that festy foot of his.
Well less then a week left and then I will be drowning. That's symbolically anyways. It is going to be so crazy cause I definitely not even close to knowing this language. I will be on the fight with all of the Korean elders and sister. It will be crazy. Then when we get to Korea all of them will go out in to the world and Elder Harris Boardman and I go and get on another plane. It is going to be a long day. I will probably do a lot of studying and reading my scriptures.
We had all of our exit interviews this last Sunday. I am not going to lie I can teach the first two lessons pretty good but that is about it. We have one more Saturday to practice our lessons. It is getting down to the wire and it is pretty intense.
So if anyone is sending me a letter or Dear Elder make sure that you send the letter so it will be here by Saturday. And the Dear Elders we don't get them on Saturday nights so you will have to send those by Friday afternoon if you want it to catch me before I leave.
Mom I got your package with my glasses so thank you very much. I am wearing them right now actually. They say that you can get prescription glasses for pretty cheap in Korea so maybe I will pick up some more when I get there just for fun. That is funny that you were only a half an hour away from me at one time. This is the longest I have ever been away from you in my entire life. That is kind of weird to think about. Don't worry though I will be home before you realize it. Time will fly by once I get to Korea.
So that is cool that Elder Blanchard will be getting here tomorrow. I was beginning to wonder when he would be getting here. One because we talked before I came in and we knew it would be close. Two because Ky wrote and told me that Chad had called her while she was over at his house, and he got ticked. So Chad thank you for looking out for me. I am not too worried about the future missionaries though it's the returned ones you need to keep an eye on for me. HA Ha but seriously. Ky actually told me that the rumor going around is that her and Riley are now dating. Now she assures me that this is not true, one because he is not as good looking as me and two because I am a state champ;-) But that would explain why Riley never writes to me anymore cause he feels guilty. So Chad you might have to keep an eye on that RM for me.
Well the next time you hear from me I will be in the promise land. So make sure to email me from now on. Or Send your Dear Elders early. I think I might actually have some time to email you again on Saturday while I am doing my laundary before I take off. I love you all and miss you everyday.
Love Elder Snell

PS: let me know what the new email address is going to be and good luck in baseball everyone. I want stats!

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