Friday, May 16, 2008

Elder Scott Snell:

Hey, Well first thing is first - I love you all. I miss you all as well but I love Korea!! I got a new companion today, his name is Elder Jordan Thompson, he is from Tremonton, Utah. He looks super familar but he did go to BYU-I for two semesters so I don't know, maybe I have met him before. We will see if we can figure it out, we have a while together. This week was really good, I had my first investigator come to church and she loved it. We will see how it goes. Elder Mitchell, my last companion, went and said goodbye to all the members last night. I really didn't realize how much I love my Branch. I will be really sad when I get transfered. Mom as for me getting discouraged about the language, it happens every once in a while but you know me, I don't let it bother me to often. I know that if I just work hard and keep praying it will come. So keep praying for me. I need all the help I can get. This week was really good- I got to go to a play/dance sort of thing. It was really interesting in the beginning which is code for boring. But in the end it really picked up and it was really good. I really enjoyed it. One of our investigaters took us. Korea is so Beautiful I am sending picutures soon, don't worry. If you can talk Ky into it, I sent her a couple already, maybe she can come show you guys them but yours will be on the way soon. We got to go to Nam Hey which is the little island close to Sam Cheon Po yesterday. It was awesome. It is so beautiful- I wish you all could see it.

May 14, 2008
Yesterday was children's day in Korea and the post office was closed so we had no where to email until today. I am keeping busy trying to learn this language and teahcing all of the people we have found. Some days it's amazing and I never want to leave. But of course there are always those tough days where you get door after door after door slammed in your face. But we really have some good investigators. We had two of them come to church this week which is a first for me. I think that with some vistors and investigators there we almost had 25 people there. That is the biggest ward I have been in since I left home. It was really good but kind of loud, I had grown acustom to the quiet sacrament meeting. I love the Korean people. I really wish all of you could come and meet them all. They are really nice and they take care of us missionaries pretty well. This week I got a new companion and it has been fun. A lot of peolpe have told me to keep an open mind about it so I have. Most of the time I can't understand what is going on anyway. (I was exaterating of course). I really like Elder Thompson, he is a good guy and an even greater missionary. His dad builds churches so we both have constuction backrounds. Since we both do we decided to fix up our apartment this week. Since our apartnment is the oldest one in the mission it's really disgusting. I stripped the bathroom of all the old moldy calk and recalk it all. We cleaned and scrubbed our cubboards. It still needs a lot of work but it looks a lot better. I haven't stopped cleaning since i got here. I love you all, I will talk to you next sunday.
Love Elder Snell

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