Monday, July 14, 2008

Elder Scott Snell:

July 7, 2008
It has come to my attention that rumors that my English has begun to slip. Well it's true,oh man, my English and my Korean are horrible. I speak a rare missionary language of both kind -thrown into one. So if at times I am hard to understand I am sorry. Well this last week was probably one of the hardest so far on my mission. But is was on the best at the same time. We had to work hard but we saw a lot of cool things happen. We were teaching a lady who has had a hard life and she was beaten by her husband and is divorced and only 29. She has just had a rough life but she is so happy and nice. We were teaching her really basic the first lesson and we started talking about Christ and she just starts crying. She looked at us and asked us why she was crying and why she was feeling this feeling that she was feeling. I have been praying really hard to teach more with the spirit and it looks like it is happening after all. It was really cool. I have been also stressing out really bad lately about learning this language and I have been having a lot of rough days with it so again I was praying. I pray so much now. But I was really asking heavenly father to help me to understand and find those people I need to and be able to understand them. Well we went into the subway to proselyte. I was scared but I suck at it. So I started after a little prayer, after about an hour I only talked to four people and given away four Book of Mormons. I still don't know how I did it. I can even do it in English. I guess the Lord was waiting out for me that day. He really does hear and answer our prayers. Well I had one of the most white trash 4th of July's in my entire life. We didn't have a flag so I made one out of hanker chiefs. It so trash.
Our BBQ grill didn't work and our beef was Australian. Oh man it was rough. Sounds like you guys had a pretty nice 4th. The usual hustle and bustle of summer baseball. I miss it though - so enjoy it while it lasts. The church is true and I know it. I love you and miss you. Elder Snell

July 13, 2008
I got a little taste of baseball the other day. Everyday there are little kids who play baseball on the tennis court in front of our apartment. It's like the sandlot only Korean style. Anyway we walked out there and I asked if I could have a try. Well they let me, I didn't think I was going to swing very hard. It was a tennis ball and a crappy bat. Well, he pitched it and I took it off about the 10th floor of the apartment across the parking lot and the kids freaked. My companion told them that I play for the New York Yankees so now I have a little fan club. It was funny. Transfers are coming up this week I will probably get a new companion which I think I am ready for cause this one is kind of getting on my nerves every once in a while. But we did baptize someone yesterday so it wasn't too bad of a transfer the next one might be the worst yet. I might get a companion who has been out for a year and a little bit as my senior and I already speak better Korean but hey I guess it will be a learning experience. I realized the other day that I am starting to gain weight around the mid section so I upped my abb work out I am bound to only come home bald and goofy and not fat too. I love you and miss you all. Elder Snell

July 20, 2008
Well another week has gone by and another transfer has begun. I got a new companion today. It's the one that I told you I would probably get last week. So this transfer will be one of those growing transfers again. My week was pretty good, one of the Elders in my house is headed home so we decided to hold a funeral for him last night, it was pretty cool. It started out being a joke and we had a memorial and such but then it turned in to something that was really spiritual. I think everyone got a little teary eyed. Its was good his family gets here today. Korea is good. I think I am the hottest that I have ever been. The humidity is getting so bad - I was sweating so bad and couldn't sleep last night then to top it of my companion had burritos so I could barely breath. He is stinkier then Riley. It was bad! It gets so hot that I take a freezing cold shower every night before I go to bed and as soon as I shut off the water I am sweating again. Oh man I miss the dry heat. We were suppose to have a typhoon hit yesterday but it missed us - don't worry mom - all we saw was a lot of rain. I love you and miss you all. Elder Snell

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