Monday, September 22, 2008

Elder Brantley Shattuck:

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Elder Shattuck - his mother is so proud!!!
Baptism - Elder Shattuck, Rodney, Kristi, Jamie, & Jessica Yanick

Sept 3, 2008
I got your package yesterday, it was really funny though because the mailman put the package down in the driveway and sister Wolfe(we live with her) back up and completely ran right over it.... we were downstairs eating dinner and she came walking down the stairs and was holding this pancake box and told me that I had a package....she was so worried that something was going to be broke and that I was going to be mad/sad....her face was very funny, nevertheless the only thing that broke was one bottle of ibuprofen and one of those hand sanitizer things. It was very funny though, thank you for the package. I haven't had a chance to read the newspaper clippings yet, but thank you for them as well. Life is going really well though, my comp is still a little annoying, he says one thing but then never really follows through with it, but he works hard and I shouldn't murmur. I think I was raised to just have like 1,000,000 pet peeves. Hopefully by the time this whole mission thing is up I will have at least some patience with people....hopefully:) the work is picking up we have found a couple of really solid people that are actually going to be meeting with us. We met with Ross last night, he was raised Roman Catholic but has fallen away due to his questions not being answered, he is way awesome though and another lady named Stephanie we meet with on Friday. She is a single mother so hopefully I will be able to connect with her, she has already been to church before, like when she was in high school or something. She really wants to go up to the visitor's center so we will see how that goes. Being Zone Leader is getting better, I am starting to feel comfortable and understand exactly what it is expected of me. This next Monday Elder Garn(one of the 70 I think) is coming to speak to the mission. that will be exciting I suppose but maybe not, I don't know.... the mission is sending out like 2 text messages a day reminding us to part our hair, shine our shoes, press our shirts, wash out suits, plan lessons to teach if called on and a whole lot of other blankety blank. Too much politics in the mission, that's for sure, don't think I will be heading towards that career anytime in this life. Anyways, that is my life. Hope you are having a great time. Love you all, take care. Elder Shattuck

Sept 17, 2008
I am staying in Brambleton with Elder Lieppman, no changes so that is always good. I hate being moved from areas. Yanicks' got baptised last Friday and I got to go to it. Guess what, I even sang at the service! I will send pictures and write a letter hopefully. nothing else to exciting is going on. The weather is awesome right now, leaves are starting to change and I am not sweating anymore. I like it right now, it is perfect weather. The people I live with are going to be making a trip to Sugar City pretty soon so I might send some stuff home with them and have them drop it off. Why do you want to know what my release date is so you realize how far away that is? Although something that is pretty cool about that is my MTC companion's family just moved to Rexburg so that means if we both fly home that I will have started my mission with him and will fly home to end my mission with him. That will be pretty sweet. Preach my Gospel describes patience not as just a virtue but a Heavenly Virtue, I can't wait till I am living with you again and can just quote scriptures and quotes from the prophets just to irritate you, man that will be a blast.... I bet you can't wait. oh man you should read Ephesians 6:14-17, it will tell you all about the double edge sword. It is actually the sword of spirit......look it up. Love you, Elder Shattuck

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