Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Elder Adam Walker:

December 22, 2008
The past couple of weeks have been pretty neat ones here. The general authority, Elder Arnold, that came and spoke to our mission really encouraged and stressed the importance of involving the Savior in the work that we are currently doing. That is something we have really been trying to do here quite often. It really does work. We have had 2 awesome experiences that really were proof of this. One day we had an appointment set up with one of our investigators and it so happened to be a day where it was raining. It was cold, and the last thing we wanted to do was go tracting. That's what we had planned for that certain hour if this lady that we were going to teach wasn't home. Well needless to say, she wasn't home and I said "well lets go knock on some doors then. Then Elder Chin said lets go pray and see what we should do.(involve the Savior). I said that I would say the prayer. I did and right when I said amen, I had a prompting saying go to the next street over and go to the end of the road. Of course we were not going to disregard this prompting by any means. When we got to the end of the road it was raining pretty hard and I just said lets start on this house and knock on it and go from there. We knocked once and a man quietly come to the door saying, Come on in! I couldn't believe it at first and I just smiled. That never happens here. Usually you knock on 50-100 doors and if you're lucky one will tell you to come back later. But this was the first door we knocked on and he let us in. We had an awesome lesson with him, we set another appointment up with him and as we were leaving he said, I knew you were coming today and when I saw your white car driving down the road towards my house, I knew it was you guys. By this time we are in complete shock and as we walked towards our car, I just said to Elder Chein, "What just happened? We were led to that door and it really was a testimony to me to see how much a simple prayer can help. WELL THAT'S NOT ALL! We go back a couple days later to follow up with this man and it just so happened that it was raining again and we didn't want to do any tracking if he wasn't home for some reason. Needless to say he wasn't home and without hesitation we went right back to our car and prayed. We prayed and after Elder Chin said Amen we just sat quietly and it seemed like nothing was happening then all the sudden our phone vibrates, we look at it and it says. New Media Referral. Usually when we get these media referrals they are people who live clear out in the middle of no where. But this one was only about 2 miles away. Boy we really had been blessed once again and its just been awesome to see "Miracles" like this happen daily. It truly is amazing. "Ask and ye shall Receive, Seek and ye shall Find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Its the truth.
The people up in West Virginia were much more humble then they are here in this part of Virginia. It seems like a complete different country in West Virginia. Things are getting worse here with all the people losing their jobs and everything but they just are not humble here. There were no Black people in West Virginia and here there are a ton, probably close to half the population is black so its definitely a little different but it is neat and they are awesome people.
There are trees all over no matter where you look. West Virginia has a lot more hills and they are bigger then they are there. It's quite a bit more open here in Virginia. As for missionary work it was much easier to talk to people in West Virginia, they are much more open to their problems that they have and they will tell you straight up about how they feel about something. Here in Virginia It's not really the same, they seem to always be busy. Where I'm at now it is highly populated with Baptists and the Baptists really don't like us missionaries very well, especially the preachers. Tons of Anti literature has been spread around and we spend most of our days clearing up doctrine misconceptions. "Welcome To the Bible Belt". Many people know the Bible very well and the Book Of Mormon is really hard for them to accept. Especially when they go to their preacher or minister and tell them exactly what we said and they ask their minister if it is a book of God. People just don't understand prayer and how you can really ask our Father in Heaven if it is true. They think they have to go to their preacher for everything. One of the prophets said, The best way we could do missionary work in the south is to burn it all down and do baptisms for the dead. ha ha. Even though it is tough we continue to do our best and give everything we have. We will continue forward with faith. That's what matters.
The girls here are not even a temptation. They are all pretty ugly. They just don't amount up to what the West has. Its funny, different people invite us in and just start showing us pictures of their "Beautiful" daughters and granddaughters and they tell us we can date and marry any of them we want. But they don't want to hear our message but they want us to marry their daughters. I don't get it. We have fun with it though and we end up just telling them we don't date and get married while we are on our missions. Only a few more days till Christmas and I can call home. They still haven't told us the details on that but it will be sometime on Christmas Day. Love you guys Love, Elder Walker.

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