Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Elder Adam Walker:

August 9, 2009
This week was good one. As I said before, we had 4 missionaries in the ward that I am in. The work was going really slow in the other area so they took them out up there and we have now taken over their area. It was kind of funny because yesterday right after President came and picked them up to take them down to Roanoke, their new area, we got a member referral, a member here wanted us to go and teach her friend. We did that last night and we had an awesome lesson with her. She is a 20 year old girl, and is confused about a ton of stuff, and she really enjoyed the lesson. She is taking care of her aunt who is pretty much dying along with working at a raft guide shop here in West Virginia and she is starting school this month. She has a ton on her plate but she knows its what she has to do, pretty impressive to me. I believe she will get baptized pretty quick, I hope next time that we see her, we will be able to set a date with her.

We had interviews yesterday and they went really well. President wants to move me to a new area, but at the same time he doesn't know if Elder Rivera can handle taking Oak Hills area by himself with someone else right now, so we will just have to see what happens. He just puts me in a dead area every time, then me and my companion get it going again, then he takes me out. It's fun stuff. We will just have to see, in 2 weeks we will know what is going on for transfers, I have no clue what will happen. Yesterday we were tracting an apartment complex and we knocked on this family's door, and they are all from England, they have very thick accents, it was awesome and we talked to the husband for a while and he has been interested in learning what our church is about for the last few months since he and his family have been here in America and just didn't know how to. The spirit has been prompting me to go and tract out that apartment complex that we found them in but, of course, I hate apartments so I just put it to the side. Then finally yesterday I put away my pride and just went and did it and we found a whole bunch of people to teach. We knocked on 24 doors, taught 3 lessons, and got 5 follow ups. And it is a big apartment complex so we still have a lot to do there. We'll just have to see, I am definitely willing to go back now, haha. Over all it has been a great week. We have a busy week planned for this next week, so I think it will be a good one and it is going to go fast. Love you all, Elder Walker

August 16, 2009
The leaves are already starting to turn here, fall is right around the corner, we have to sweep our porch off every other day or so because of the leaves. So it will be no time and this place will be on fire.

This week we found a family of 7 (each of them over 8) and we even found them tracting! We had an awesome lesson with them this past Saturday, and we will be meeting with them again tonight. We are hoping to get some baptism dates set soon but will just have to see. We also have this other person named Willy Willis, he is an alcoholic and he has tapered himself down little by little and his goal is to be 100 percent sober by this next Sunday so that he can feel comfortable in church, he wants his son to come as well. We have so much going on right now its ridiculous. I just hope we can see some baptisms come from it all. We'll just have to hope and pray for the best. The work is going really, really well here. Transfers are next week so I will probably leave. It seems to always work that way, I get put in an area that is really slow and when we get it going again, I can just plan on saying goodbye. We'll see though, maybe I'll stay one more transfer. I like this area but at the same time I'm ready for a change. We'll just have to see. I will know next Tuesday. Over all things are great. Love you all, Elder Walker

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