Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homecoming - Elder Scott Snell:

Elder Scott Snell will be flying home and will arrive at the Idaho Falls airport on Wednesday, December 9.

His report in sacrament meeting will be Sunday, December 20 at 1:00 pm at the 2nd & 5th Ward Building on 2nd West - Rexburg.

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Nov 1, 2009
This week was a pretty good one, it was my first one with Elder Green and he is a hoot. I really like him. We get along pretty well and he is a pretty chill guy which is always nice.

We had our Halloween party this week. They don't celebrate Halloween here so that was fun to do for everyone. Except that my comp and I ended up doing about 90% of everything even though there were 4 other missionaries. That was lame but it turned out. We did mummy wrapping, mask making and Elder Green and I made an obstacle course which turned out to be the favorite. We had them spinning around, picking up dried pieces of rice, putting on big gloves, shoes and a coat then had to open a piece of gum and blow a bubble, stick a balloon between their legs and run. It was really fun and the next day my voice was pretty raspy. Then we also put on a haunted hallway/room type of thing, the kids all liked it. While we were getting ready we decided to carve some pumpkins for the decorations and I was really excited cause I enjoy doing that. Well we got our pumpkins and I got mine open and I reached in for that first nice slimy grab and I came out with a handful of maggots. Yeah my pumpkin had started to rot. It was gross, the maggots were jumping all over the place and it was pretty disturbing. I just held my breath and just cleaned it out anyway cause we needed the pumpkin. It was definitely a Halloween to remember. Oh oh and I dressed up as Superman. I just did the whole Superman shirt underneath and unbuttoned my white shirt. It was fun, the members enjoyed it. I hope you all had a good week and that everything is ok. I love you all and miss you. Elder Snell

Nov 8, 2009
Yesterday the Sisters in my ward had their investigator get baptized and I was able to have the honor of Baptizing her. She is a little daughter of a once less active member and is now reactivated. Her father is still less active so he wasn't able to baptize her. He came though and it was really good to see him there. It only took me three times before I got it right. It was pretty embarrassing and I felt really bad for 예지 (that is her name). The first time I said the prayer and dunked her and I didn't step on her feet so one of them popped out and so I shoved her down even farther and I felt like I was almost drowning her. She came back out coughing and I was told that I forgot a word. I felt bad I told her sorry and that we had to do it one more time. I said the prayer right and dunked her and stepped on her feet and was pretty sure that I got her under. I was a little hesitant to dunk her deep because of the last time and I felt bad. But when she came out they said that the hem of her dress popped out and a hair or something didn't go all the way under. I felt really bad and said the prayer and just threw her under. We got it done. I just told her that she was three times cleaner then the rest of us so it was ok.

We also were able to go to the orphanage again this week. It is always a lot of fun to go and see all those kids. They all seem happy and like they are doing well. They are pretty well taken care of. We ate this pumpkin soup that tasted like throw up. I really didn't like it so I made Elder Green eat mine. He didn't mind though.

I am doing good, I got my schedule of my last days about going to the temple in Seoul and all that jazz when my exit interview is and such. It was pretty weird. Oh well, I will just keep going until that day comes. I love you all and thanks for your support. Remember the church is true. Elder Snell

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