Thursday, January 7, 2010

Elder Matt Hansen:

Crystal Powell gave me (Cindy) an e-mail that her mom sent to her. They are Matt's mission president in Kenya:

Sister Genie Taylor is her name and she is the mission Pres. wife:

Friday was the Eldoret Zone Conference. It included the missionaries in Eldoret, Kitale, Kisumu and Busia. We had a good conference. The teachings were good, the comments, the role plays, the accountability's-----I really enjoyed it. It was Elder Hansen's (from Rexburg) last zone conference. He returns home on the 20th of January. It was humbling to see this handsome missionary with tears
in his eyes tell of being so scared when he came, but that through his experiences he has come to know His Heavenly Father and Savior and that the Church of Jesus Christ is the true church on the earth. He has grown so much. He is awesome. He's training a new missionary right now and his companion said how much he admires Elder Hansen and how kind he has been to him.

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